Tuesday, May 26, 2009


One website that I'm a huge fan of is BookCrossing.com. I love not only the idea of recycling books, but that once a book is registered, it can be followed on it's journey. (Each book that is registered has it's own BookCrossing ID--BCID--with release notes and journal entries associated with it.)

Even though I heard of the website years ago, I signed up when I found (or "caught") a book that was registered on the site when in Nelson, New Zealand. I myself have "caught" two books, and released several. Often times it may not get journalled when it's caught, but when it is, it's fun to see where it goes and what people think of it. I'm finally reading some books I've had for a long time, and since this bibliophile has far too many books to keep, I'm hoping to release some in the Spencer area.

I've already left one at Shaky Tree and plan on leaving some more as I read them. I'm hoping to spread the BookCrossing word and get some more people involved. The more books there are to "hunt" for the more fun it will be!